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Results for faculty
  • Results will be returned that contain all of the terms entered. For example searching for bus schedule would return anything that contains both bus and schedule in any order but not only bus or schedule by themselves.
  • Searching while you are within a course or group will return results found within that course or group. If there are no results within the course or group you will be shown results for your term from everywhere.
  • You can use + or - to include or exclude search results. For example, the search +schedule -bus will return results that contain the word schedule but not the word bus.
  • Put a word or phrase in quotes to find exact matches. Searching for "bus schedule" will search for the exact phrase bus schedule with no other words between those two.
  • You can add * at the end of a term to find results that start with that term. Searching for book* will return results for book, books, bookmark, and bookmarks. (You can also add * in the middle of a term)
  • Common words such as and, the and of are excluded from the search. To force them to be included, put a + in front of them.
  • The characters && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ~ * ? : \ have special functions and aren’t searched for. If you need to find results that include one of those, you can put a \ in front of it and it will be searched for like a regular character. For example Abbott \& Costello or Who’s on first\?
  • Graduation Information
    ..., but not your cap. Do not wear any honor cords or medallions that you may receive from an honor society or other organization. These are not worn until the commencement ceremony that evening. The faculty marshals will be present to assist with the lineup. There is no individual order for lining up other than to have the program participants go first, followed by the faculty, then the graduates.  The crucifer will lead the processional from the ASC into the chapel. The faculty marshals will direct the faculty, graduates, and platform party to their respective seats. Remain standing in place until...
    ... Mission. The purpose of this page is to provide the students, faculty and staff of Texas Lutheran University the information and resources they need to create and maintain an open, safe, and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the campus community. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please contact our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion office, Dr. David Ortiz...
    other content in Welcome in Student Affairs
    Title XI: Harassment, Discrimination (Including Sexual Misconduct), and Retaliation Reporting Form
    ...Prior to completing this form, please review the institution's policy on Harassment, Discrimination (Including Sexual Misconduct), and Retaliation. This form is designed to provide students, employees, faculty, vendors, visitors, or others with an on-line method to report specific information related to an alleged incident(s) of discrimination, harassment (including sexual misconduct), or retaliation.The institution will use the information provided to begin an investigation, which may include contacting the complainant, respondent, and/or any potential witnesses. However, if the report does...
    TLU Data and Reports
    ...) 2022 NSSE results (.zip file) 2018 NSSE results (.zip file) HERI Faculty Survey  2022-2023 HERI Faculty Survey Results (with executive summary) 2019-2020 HERI Faculty Survey Results   HERI Staff Climate Survey  Spring 2023 Results   American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Annual AAUP Faculty Compensation Survey Report Appendices (institutional-level summary...
    Multi-Factor Authentication
    ...TLU offers Multi-Factor Authentication  (known as MFA) for all faculty, staff and  students through Microsoft.  It is currently required for staff who have access to confidential systems and optional for everyone else (for now). This double layer of security helps make your login more secure. Impacts Webmail, OneDrive, Office 365, and MyTLU. To add this extra layer use the link below or contact the IT helpdesk at   How it works: Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-factor authentication is a process in which users are prompted during...
    other content in Multi-Factor Authentication in IT
    Strategic Plan
    ...TLU Strategic Plan Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students, This page will contain documents related to our Strategic Plan.  In advance, I thank you for your part in this important process which will help us define TLU’s future.     We now have a summary of the core values discussions that were held on campus in late September (below).    If you have comments on or questions about the summary, please let me know.    In November, the Cabinet will work from this summary to draft 3-5 core values that will provide the foundation for our strategic planning work this year.  Those draft values...
    other content in Strategic Plan in Public
    General Complaint Reporting Process
    ... desires to resolve student grievances, complaints, and concerns in an expeditious, fair, and amicable manner.  Most problems between students and faculty/staff can and should be resolved between...

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