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Campus Closure Policy - Severe Weather

A PFD version of this policy is posted in the Forms Policies and Procedures page or directly linked here


  1. In the event of severe weather approaching or impacting the Seguin/New Braunfels area (Houston campus see special note below), the VP for Administration (VPA) and/or designated Safety and Emergency Management Committee backups will consult:


  • National weather service forecasts and bulletins (including alerts and warnings)
  • Seguin ISD and New Braunfels ISD web sites
  • Feedback from Facilities, University Police, Student Life


Special Note for Houston Campus: The Houston Site Director will consult with the Director of Nursing and the VPA on weather related events. If time sensitive, the Houston Site Director will have discretion to make a closure decision for the Houston campus directly.


  1. If the VPA or SEMC designated backup feel an informational alert (ex: severe thunderstorm warning in TLU area – take extra precautions when driving to/from campus or take shelter) might be helpful to the TLU community, they can be sent via e2campus as needed at their discretion. Monitoring of the weather situation would continue until the condition passes.


  1. Should the VPA or SEMC designated backup believe the weather situation is more severe that might indicate a need for a closure or some sort of delay, the next step would be to consult the VPAA (Vice President of Academic Affairs) and VP for Marketing/Communications to come up with a recommendation for the President’s cabinet.


    1. If the group believes no closure/schedule change decision is needed, an informational message to the President’s cabinet will be sent by one of the 3 alerting them that no changes are being recommended at that time but that monitoring continues (back to step 1)


    1. If the group decides a major change/closure is warranted, one of the 3 will alert the cabinet on the recommendation.


      • If cabinet decides not to make any closure or schedule changes. Monitoring continues (back to step 1)
      • If the cabinet endorses the recommendation to close the campus.  The following would occur:


  1. This would apply to both Seguin and New Braunfels locations (unless cabinet specifically agreed to exclude one of the sites)
  2. An alert would be sent out via e2campus by the VPA or SEMC designated backup by 6am (or earlier if possible) of the day in question
  3. A general e-mail to provide more information to faculty/staff and students would follow from the VPA or VP for Marketing/Communications
  4. Marketing/Communications updates TLU web page, and social media channels
  5. VPA contacts facilities director and police chief
  6. Monitoring continues (back to step 1)



SEMC designated backups are equipped to send alerts via e2campus. E2campus sends e-mail to all TLU community, text alerts to those who signed up, MyTLU banner, TLU twitter feed, and TLU building signage. These backups are:


  • Jonathan Zitelman
  • Kyle Wych
  • Rob Spence


Approved by the President’s cabinet – 3/30/21

Updated for Houston Campus – 10/30/22

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