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TLU E-mail server still down

High priority

7/30/18 - 6:30am - The disk repair finally completed overnight. IT staff felt it prudent to make an additional copy of the mail data just as a precaution. This copy is taking several hours but we hope will be finished by 8am  and then the mail server can be brought online. That process will take about an hour or two depending on last minute issues. Our goal is to be operating before noon today.

We know this has been a big inconvenience for everyone and we will be looking at ways to prevent this in the future. We will post a more complete analysis once we are back online.

The help desk can be reached at 830-372-6000 if you have questions.

7/30/18 - 9pm - ETA updated to 4am


7/30/18 - 4:12pm - disk repair continuing. Updated ETA now looks to be around 10pm. We are anticipating that no mail will be lost and once we are online, queued incoming mail will be delivered.


7/30/18 - 2:10pm - disk repair continuing but slower with regular workload going on. Right now our best guess for completion is tonight. We are sorry for the delay but our previous attempts to "speed it up" have actually done the opposite. 


7/30/18 - 12:15pm - disk repair continuing; completion taking longer due to large amount of data. Still making progress but slow going. 


7/30/18 - 10:10am - disk repair estimated to complete around noon. We will be able to make a better judgement on uptime then. 


7/30/18 - 9:10am - disk repair on mail server continues but appears to be nearing completion; incoming mail still queued waiting for release once we are back online. Next update at 10am.


7/30/18 - 8am - disk repair on mail server continues; incoming mail is being queued and will be released once we are back operational. Next update at 9am


7/30/18 6am - mail server still not operational. IT staff running integrity repair on server. This process takes some time. e-mail may be down still for several hours. Incoming e-mail is being queued up so should not be lost. Next update at 8am


7/30/18 2am - The TLU e-mail server is still not operational. Further update planned at 6am. Likely several hours still to go.


The problem is related to the disk pool storage that hosts the e-mail server. it lost data integrity early Sunday morning and IT staff are working to rebuild it.

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