
Course Information

Senior Honors Capstone Seminar (HONR 431)

Term: 2013-2014 Academic Year Fall Term


Tue-Thu, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM (8/27/2013 - 12/11/2013) Location: TL TSCH 130


A capstone interdisciplinary course for honors students during their senior year. Honors students from various disciplinary specialties research and examine a topic determined by the instructor. Pre-registered honors students, in consultation with the instructor, select resources and determine assignments for the course. Subsequent to studying the agreed-upon resources, students will work in small groups, each comprised of representaives from multiple academic disciplines, to identify an issues based problem and to strategize, research, evaluate, and suggest solutions. The results of the project will be presented both orally and in written form and will include suggestions for a community-based service project, which