Congratulations on your scheduled graduation from Texas Lutheran University! This memorandum provides information about the May 10 Commencement activities. Please read these instructions carefully as this will be the only communication you receive and there will be no rehearsals for these events.
- Monday, March 17– Graduation announcements, caps, and gowns will be available for purchase at the TLU Bookstore.
- Tuesday, April 22 (3-6 p.m.)– Grad Gear Up! (Dunne Conference Center)
This is your opportunity to take care of all things pertaining to graduation at one location. Verify the reading of your name at the ceremony and on your diploma, wrap up loose ends with the business and financial aid offices, pick up your rain tickets, and take care of any other important graduation business.
Date: Saturday, May 10, 2025
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Place: Chapel of the Abiding Presence
Baccalaureate is a service of worship which celebrates the graduates. Participation is encouraged, but not required. Families of graduates are welcome to attend and no tickets are required. Report to the Alumni Student Center by 1:10 p.m. to line up for the processional to the chapel. Wear your gown, but not your cap. Do not wear any honor cords or medallions that you may receive from an honor society or other organization. These are not worn until the commencement ceremony that evening. The faculty marshals will be present to assist with the lineup. There is no individual order for lining up other than to have the program participants go first, followed by the faculty, then the graduates.
The crucifer will lead the processional from the ASC into the chapel. The faculty marshals will direct the faculty, graduates, and platform party to their respective seats. Remain standing in place until the signal to be seated.
For the recessional, the crucifer will lead the way out. The platform party, graduates, and faculty will follow as directed by the faculty marshals.
Date: Saturday, May 10, 2025
Time: 4 p.m.
Place: Chapel of the Abiding Presence
Graduates who are to receive a master’s hood at Spring Commencement will be contacted directly by their program advisors with details regarding the hooding ceremony.
Date: Saturday, May 10, 2025
Time: 7 p.m.
Place: Library Lawn
The stage will be set up directly in front of the library, with the lawn between the Library and Tschoepe Hall as the seating area. There will be plenty of seating for family, friends, and invited guests. Tickets will not be used, except in the event of rain. Each graduate will be given 4 “rain tickets,” which will be used if the ceremony is moved to Jackson Auditorium due to inclement weather. More information will be sent out regarding rain plans as we get closer and as needed.
For Commencement on the Library Lawn, report to Tostengard Activity Center by 5:45 p.m. to line up for the processional, last minute instructions, clarification of the pronunciation of names, and picture taking. Diplomas will also be distributed at lineup, which you will carry across the stage with you. The faculty marshals will be present to assist with the lineup and charts will be posted along the formation area.
At 6:55 p.m., the crucifer will lead the procession from the Tostengard Activity Center to the Library Lawn. The faculty marshals will direct the faculty, graduates, and platform party to their respective seats. Remain standing in place until the signal to be seated. If someone is missing from the assigned space on the seating chart, leave that seat open as the person may arrive late.
When it is time to present the diplomas, listen for President Cottrell to ask Dr. Ferguson, Vice President for Academic Affairs, to present the candidates. Dr. Ferguson will read a line, which ends “...will please rise.” Do so as a group. The president will speak a few more lines and then Dr. Ferguson will ask the candidates to “present themselves as their names are called.” A faculty marshal will direct you, row by row, to the steps on the right side of the stage. Proceed to the top step and wait for your name to be called. Mr. Mike Washington, chair of the Board of Regents, will shake your hand as you proceed across the stage. He will also present university honor cords (e.g., summa cum laude) to those eligible for them. You will cross the stage and Dr. Cottrell will shake your hand while you pose for a photo taken by the professional photographer. You may sit down as soon as you return to your seat.
After the benediction, the crucifer will lead the recessional to the Victory Bell. The platform party, graduates, and faculty will follow as directed by the faculty marshals. When you reach the Victory Bell, feel free to ring it and celebrate your new status as a TLU graduate!
Note: For your convenience on graduation day, the TLU Bookstore will be open from 1–7 p.m.
For general questions about graduation, please feel free to contact Susan Rinn, Vice President for Marketing and Communications, at srinn@tlu.edu or by calling 830-372-8027.
Again, congratulations on your scheduled graduation!