CLA Schedule Spring 2017

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math CLA schedules Spring 2017.pdf


This is the link to directions for the group project due Wednesday 4-19. Ignore any other due date that may be floating around. This project is due at the start of class on Wednesday April 19.


(.docx, 14K)

Exam Study Suggestions

Here is what will be on exam one.

(.docx, 13K)

Study these topics and you will do well.


(.docx, 12K)

Wednesday May 10, at 1:30 is our final. Here is what you need to know.

(.docx, 12K)


This should help you decide what procedure to use when testing hypotheses.

(.pdf, 176K)

Interesting Articles

In this article the two most common bets in the game Craps are defined and the expected value of both bets is computed.