
Course Information

Statistics (STAT 374)

Term: 2011-2012 Academic Year Spring Term


Tue-Thu, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM (1/18/2012 - 5/9/2012) Location: TL LNGH 120
Tue-Thu, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM (1/18/2012 - 2/14/2012) Location: TL LNGH 120
Tue-Thu, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM (1/18/2012 - 1/25/2012) Location: TL LNGH 230
Tue-Thu, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM (1/18/2012 - 1/25/2012) Location: TL LNGH 123


Topics will include organization and presentation of data, correlation and linear regression, an introduction to probability and probability distributions such as binomial and normal distributions, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing and estimation involving one and two populations. Statistical software such as Minitab will be used as a tool in this course. Counts as a course toward a minor in math, but does not count as upper-division MATH course. Prerequisite: MATH130 or MATH133.