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Reflection For Senior Seminar 2016


                I was quite surprised at how well the senior group of nursing students did on their presentation. I could tell that they had spent a lot of time on their research and had cared deeply about their topics. My favorite two presentations was the group that had researched knowledge of cord blood and concussion.

                I was surprised at how little knowledge that the nurses at GRMC had known about cord blood. I am excited that our research may help to further the nursing profession and help change lives. One of the key things said was that the nurses felt like using cord blood would be great use instead of throwing it away. I was always under the assumption that all cord blood was saved and used for research. I remember being able to participate in the collection of cord blood during LVN school and thought it was standard of care. I would be interested in seeing the education material that was used.

                Concussions are a major concern in the United States. I am glad to be able to further research and education in this area. I thought that parents who had sports experience would have had more knowledge than those who didn’t play sports. Coaches and parents and the sports participants are in need of further education to prevent second impact syndrome and know when to go to the emergency department. I would also be interested in seeing the tool that the investigators used.

                Overall the presentations were all excellent. I am proud to be part of the research and progression of nursing at TLU.

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