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Clinical Journal Week 8: 4-22-16

This week was our last week at San Marcos Treatment Center. For the most part, I spent the day with Dafne in the nurse’s station waiting for the CNC to show up as she was called to another unit because someone called in sick. She seemed stressed for most of the morning. Whenever Dafne and I were with her in the nurse’s station, she was more focused on orienting the new nurse. Dafne and I looked at charts for most of the morning.

When it was time for lunch, the CNC dropped us off at the cafeteria and left. The only interactions with the kids this week were during lunch. I had one young boy come up to me and ask if the guy who wears the same top who looks like Kylo Ren from Star Wars was here today, AKA Michael. I told him that he was here and that I would let him know that he already had a table to sit at. The little boy smiled, thanked me, and sat at the table behind me. As soon as Michael walked in, the little boy stood up and started to call him over. I found the little boy’s excitement very heartwarming. Another one of the boys at Dafne and my table is from Alaska. He said that it is still sunny at nighttime and how they put up black curtains in their house to block out the sun at night.

Once the kiddos were finished with lunch, we went to lunch ourselves. After lunch, I went up to where the CNC usually worked since the replacement came in for the other unit. When I walked into the unit, all of the teenage boys turned, looked at me, and started to say hello. I sat in the nurse’s station and looked at charts until the boys started group. It was interesting to see because the first activity they did was a positivity activity. Each boy who received a positive note got a piece of candy.

 I really enjoyed seeing the other boys using a positive activity to make one another feel good. At the time, I was wondering how these boys behave when there are certain people in the unit watching them. I noticed when a worker came onto the unit the boys straightened up and acted good as he walked through. I’m unsure of if this person was a therapist or a case manager. But once he left the unit, the boys continued their silly behavior.

In looking back on this clinical date, I wish there had been more for Dafne and me to see with the CNC. She didn’t seem too happy to have us with her because she was so busy. But I can use this in the future to help with those nursing students who come behind me and be willing to work with them and include them in their clinical sites. I want them to feel welcome, as well as able to do the proper skills like I have been able to do.

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