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Results for determine length side sty round nearest tenth necessary geo0600_ass_002a.png sty 10.5 units
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  • Put a word or phrase in quotes to find exact matches. Searching for "bus schedule" will search for the exact phrase bus schedule with no other words between those two.
  • You can add * at the end of a term to find results that start with that term. Searching for book* will return results for book, books, bookmark, and bookmarks. (You can also add * in the middle of a term)
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  • There are no exact matches for determine length side sty round nearest tenth necessary geo0600_ass_002a.png sty 10.5 units.
    Showing results with determine or length or side or sty or round or nearest or tenth or necessary or geo0600_ass_002a.png or sty or 10.5 or units.
    READ 436 01 - Literacy in the Content Areas (2019-2020 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 1-5:00 PM @ TL TSCH 251
    nes Email Email More info More Info
    Lori McDonald D. McDonald Email Email More info More Info
    A study ofsty
    READ 436 01 - Literacy in the Content Areas (2013-2014 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 1-5:00 PM @ TL TSCH 251
    a href="(@@emailUrle6568357-8f14-4388-b6e3-c50de6e01c07@)">Email Email More info More Info
    A study ofsty
    READ 436 01 - Literacy in the Content Areas (2022-2023 Academic Year Fall Term)
    href="(@@emailUrl8a82ad07-981a-44d8-b682-89e549bbd889@)">Email Email More info More Info
    Jeannette R Jones Email Email More info More Info
    Sheri L Boos Email Email More info More Info
    A study ofsty
    ENGL 386A 01 - Shakespeare's Comedies & Histories (2014-2015 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Mon, Wed: 1-2:15 PM @ TL LNGH 231
    tereau , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    Examination of Shakespeare’s comedies will focus on timeless topics like love, marriage, money and gender, in styles that range from the courtly to the slapstick. The English histories provide an understanding of the human side of momentous events.
    ENGL 386A 01 T - Shakespeare's Comedies & Histories (2016-2017 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 1-2:15 PM @ TL LNGH 231
    tereau , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    Examination of Shakespeare’s comedies will focus on timeless topics like love, marriage, money and gender, in styles that range from the courtly to the slapstick. The English histories provide an understanding of the human side of momentous events.
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2013-2014 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 10:30-11:45 AM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    Robert M. Jonas , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2015-2016 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 8-9:15 AM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2017-2018 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-9:50 AM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2018-2019 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 8-9:15 AM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIO 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2009-2010 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 11:30-12:20 PM @ TL MOOD 203
    ttinger Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIO 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 341 or 144, MATH 138."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIO
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2016-2017 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 11:30-12:20 PM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2014-2015 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 8-9:15 AM @ TL TSCH 130
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2012-2013 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 11:30-12:20 PM @ TL KROS 210
    s , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    Danielle D. Grove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2011-2012 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:30-11:20 AM @ *
    s , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIO 444 01 H - Molecular Biology (2009-2010 Academic Year Fall Term)
    ttinger Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIO 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 341 or 144, MATH 138."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIO
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2010-2011 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 11:30-12:20 PM @ TL MOOD 203
    ttinger Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2019-2020 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 8-9:15 AM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 02 H - Molecular Biology (2011-2012 Academic Year Fall Term)
    s , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2020-2021 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:30-11:20 AM @ TL TSCH 131
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    SOCI 449 01 - WSEM Internship in Sociology (2016-2017 Academic Year Fall Term)
    ...Under American University academic supervision, students intern in offices such as HHS, community-based non-profits or NGO's to gain first-hand experience and insights.. Academic requirements and office supervisor's evaluation determine final granting of credit. Part of the Washington Semester Program....
    a section of the WSEM Internship in Sociology course in Sociology - SOCI
    POLS 449 01 - WSEM Internship in Government (2012-2013 Academic Year Fall Term)
    ...Under American University academic supervision, students intern in congressional, governmental, and interest group offices two afternoons a week to gain first-hand experience and insights. Academic requirements and office supervisor's evaluation determine final granting of credit. Part of the Washington Semester Program....
    POLS 449 01 - WSEM Internship in Government (2010-2011 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Walsh Email Email More info More Info
    ...Under American University academic supervision, students intern in congressional, governmental, and interest group offices two afternoons a week to gain first-hand experience and insights. Academic requirements and office supervisor's evaluation determine final granting of credit. Part of the Washington Semester Program....

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