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    COMP 132 3 - English Comp II (2009-2010 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed: 2:30-3:45 PM @ TL KROS 209
    rds Email Email More info More Info
    ...This course continues to teach academic reading and writing skills. Students write a major research paper over the course of the semester that focuses on a problem and what should be done to alleviate it. Students learn research skills as well as the most effective rhetorical techniques to convince their audience of the importance of their chosen topic and the plausibility of their solution. Prerequisite: COMP 131....
    a section of the English Comp II course in Composition - COMP
    ENGL 386A 01 - Shakespeare's Comedies & Histories (2014-2015 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Mon, Wed: 1-2:15 PM @ TL LNGH 231
    tereau , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    Examination of Shakespeare’s comedies will focus on timeless topics like love, marriage, money and gender, in styles that range from the courtly to the slapstick. The English histories provide an understanding of the human side of momentous events.
    ENGL 386A 01 T - Shakespeare's Comedies & Histories (2016-2017 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 1-2:15 PM @ TL LNGH 231
    tereau , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    Examination of Shakespeare’s comedies will focus on timeless topics like love, marriage, money and gender, in styles that range from the courtly to the slapstick. The English histories provide an understanding of the human side of momentous events.
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed: 1-2:15 PM @ TL TSCH 201
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2011-2012 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 10:30-11:45 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    ett Mac Millin Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 02 - Managerial Cost Accting (2010-2011 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed: 1-2:15 PM @ TL TSCH 103
    untsman Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2019-2020 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2012-2013 Academic Year Summer B)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:15-12:15 PM @ TL TSCH 102
    hompson Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2014-2015 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2013-2014 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    mpson Email Email More info More Info
    Dan E. Malone Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 02 - Managerial Cost Accting (2011-2012 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed: 1-2:15 PM @ *
    untsman Email Email More info More Info
    Christianne Swett Mac Millin Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed: 1-2:15 PM @ TL TSCH 201
    hell Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 02 - Managerial Cost Accting (2011-2012 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 1-2:15 PM @ TL TSCH 201
    ett Mac Millin Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2013-2014 Academic Year Summer B)
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:15-12:15 PM @ TL TSCH 131
    hompson Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2013-2014 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2025-2026 Academic Year Fall Term)
    hell Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2015-2016 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2012-2013 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed: 1-2:15 PM @ TL TSCH 201
    hompson Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2020-2021 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL WEB SYN
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2016-2017 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2018-2019 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2014-2015 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    lson Email Email More info More Info
    Dan E. Malone Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2009-2010 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 10:30-11:45 AM @ TL TSCH 252
    untsman Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2010-2011 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 8-9:15 AM @ TL TSCH 131
    untsman Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2017-2018 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-8:50 AM @ TL TSCH 245
    Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 01 - Managerial Cost Accting (2010-2011 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 10:30-11:45 AM @ TL TSCH 252
    untsman Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    BUSI 376 02 - Managerial Cost Accting (2012-2013 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Tue, Thu: 10:30-11:45 AM @ TL TSCH 130
    hompson Email Email More info More Info
    ... PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">The study of cost/managerial accounting in planning and controlling to include global competition, ethical considerations and customer satisification. These include management systems, performance measurement systems, cost-volume-profit analysis, planning, budgeting, costing and variance analysis areas. Prerequisite BUSI 232....
    a section of the Managerial Cost Accting course in Business - BUSI
    AMUP 201S 3 - Private Piano Lesson (2009-2010 Academic Year Fall Term)
    aney , D.M.A. Email Email More info More Info
    Private instruction for no credit. One half-hour lesson per week. Instructor or departmental approval required.
    a section of the Private Piano Lesson course in Piano - AMUP
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2013-2014 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 10:30-11:45 AM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    Robert M. Jonas , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2015-2016 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 8-9:15 AM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2017-2018 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-9:50 AM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2018-2019 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 8-9:15 AM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIO 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2009-2010 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 11:30-12:20 PM @ TL MOOD 203
    ttinger Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIO 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 341 or 144, MATH 138."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIO
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2016-2017 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 11:30-12:20 PM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2014-2015 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 8-9:15 AM @ TL TSCH 130
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2012-2013 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 11:30-12:20 PM @ TL KROS 210
    s , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    Danielle D. Grove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2011-2012 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:30-11:20 AM @ *
    s , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIO 444 01 H - Molecular Biology (2009-2010 Academic Year Fall Term)
    ttinger Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIO 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 341 or 144, MATH 138."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIO
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2010-2011 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 11:30-12:20 PM @ TL MOOD 203
    ttinger Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2019-2020 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 8-9:15 AM @ TL KROS 210
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 02 H - Molecular Biology (2011-2012 Academic Year Fall Term)
    s , Ph. D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    BIOL 444 01 - Molecular Biology (2020-2021 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:30-11:20 AM @ TL TSCH 131
    ove Ph.D. Email Email More info More Info
    ..."A study of the synthesis, localization, structure, and function of biomolecules. Emphasis is placed on cell regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction and gene expression. Topics vary to reflect current issues in molecular biology such as gene therapy, restriction fragment length plymorphism analysis, loss of cell cycle regulation in tumorigenesis and aging, and molecular systematics. Models to explain pathophysiological problems are examined. Prerequisite: BIOL 341, CHEM 248, CHEM 144 or 341 MATH 148."...
    a section of the Molecular Biology course in Biology - BIOL
    AMUP 211S 3 - Private Piano Lesson (2009-2010 Academic Year Fall Term)
    en Email Email More info More Info
    Private instruction for 1 hour of credit. One half-hour lesson per week. Instructor or departmental approval required.
    a section of the Private Piano Lesson course in Piano - AMUP
    MATH 138 1 - Elementary Functions (2009-2010 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 1-1:50 PM @ TL BECK 205
    Email Email More info More Info
    ..."The study of elementary functions, their graphs and applications, including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Prerequisite: MATH 133, or Math SAT greater than 480, or ACT greater than 21.MATH 231-232. Calculus I, II (3:3:0)Differential and integral calculus of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic transcendental functions, sequences, and infinite series. Prerequisite: MATH 138, or Math SAT greater than 620 or ACT greater than 31."...
    a section of the Elementary Functions course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 138 01 - Elementary Functions (2009-2010 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-9:50 AM @ TL BECK 205
    Email Email More info More Info
    ..."The study of elementary functions, their graphs and applications, including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Prerequisite: MATH 133, or Math SAT greater than 480, or ACT greater than 21.MATH 231-232. Calculus I, II (3:3:0)Differential and integral calculus of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic transcendental functions, sequences, and infinite series. Prerequisite: MATH 138, or Math SAT greater than 620 or ACT greater than 31."...
    a section of the Elementary Functions course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 138 02 - Elementary Functions (2010-2011 Academic Year Fall Term)
    Tue, Thu: 1-2:15 PM @ TL KROS 210
    Luna Email Email More info More Info
    ..."The study of elementary functions, their graphs and applications, including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Prerequisite: MATH 133, or Math SAT greater than 480, or ACT greater than 21.MATH 231-232. Calculus I, II (3:3:0)Differential and integral calculus of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic transcendental functions, sequences, and infinite series. Prerequisite: MATH 138, or Math SAT greater than 620 or ACT greater than 31."...
    a section of the Elementary Functions course in Mathematics - MATH
    MATH 138 01 - Elementary Functions (2010-2011 Academic Year Spring Term)
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 11:30-12:20 PM @ TL MOOD 303
    Email Email More info More Info
    ..."The study of elementary functions, their graphs and applications, including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Prerequisite: MATH 133, or Math SAT greater than 480, or ACT greater than 21.MATH 231-232. Calculus I, II (3:3:0)Differential and integral calculus of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic transcendental functions, sequences, and infinite series. Prerequisite: MATH 138, or Math SAT greater than 620 or ACT greater than 31."...
    a section of the Elementary Functions course in Mathematics - MATH

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